Get client by back office ID
Get full client record via the clients back office ID.
Path parameters
The BackOfficeID of the client you want to retrieve.
curl \
-X GET{BackOfficeID} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
"success": true,
"data": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"Surname": "Smith",
"KnownAs": "Big John",
"Gender": 1,
"EmailAddress": "",
"Mobile": "07777000858",
"DateOfBirth": "1990-05-04",
"MaritalStatus": 1,
"MarriageAllowance": 1,
"NINumber": "JW001100A",
"EmploymentStatus": 1,
"OccupationCode": "AAB00001",
"RetirementPlanned": 1,
"RetirementDate": "1990-05-04",
"RetirementAge": 69,
"AddressCountryCode": 826,
"AddressLine1": "216 Newgate Street",
"AddressLine2": "Address Line 2",
"AddressLine3": "Address Line 3",
"AddressLine4": "Address Line 4",
"AddressTown": "Westminister",
"AddressCounty": "London",
"AddressPostCode": "SW1A 1AA",
"IncomeTaxArea": 1,
"AdviserID": 42,
"Reference": "API Client",
"AttitudeToRiskLevel": 42,
"ClientTier": 42,
"FinancialDependenceAge": 1,
"AddressFrom": "1990-05-04",
"NextReviewDate": "1990-05-04",
"LTA": {
"MPAATriggered": 1,
"MpaTriggerDate": "1990-05-04",
"LTAHMRCertificateValue": 42.0,
"LTAProtectedCashAmount": 42.0,
"LTAProtectedCashPercentage": 42.0,
"LTAPrevBCEs": 1,
"LTAPercentageLeft": 42.0,
"LTAAppliedFor": 1,
"LTAProtectionType": 1,
"LTAEnhancementFactor": 42.0,
"LTAProtectedLumpSum": 42,
"InheritedNilRateBand": 42,
"InheritedResidenceNilRateBand": 42,
"FormattedValues": {
"LTAPrevBCEs": "Yes",
"LTAAppliedFor": "Yes",
"MPAATriggered": "Yes",
"MpaTriggerDate": "04/05/1990",
"LTAProtectionType": "Primary Protection",
"LTAProtectedLumpSum": "Yes",
"LTAProtectedCashAmount": "£42",
"LTAProtectedCashPercentage": "42%"
"TaxFreeCash": [
"BCETFC": 1000000,
"BCEDate": "2006-04-07",
"BCEAmount": 1000000,
"FormattedValues": {
"BCETFC": "£1,000,000",
"BCEDate": "07/04/2006",
"BCEAmount": "£1,000,000"
"BCETFC": 2000000,
"BCEDate": "2006-04-05",
"BCEAmount": 2000000,
"FormattedValues": {
"BCETFC": "£2,000,000",
"BCEDate": "05/04/2006",
"BCEAmount": "£2,000,000"
"FormattedValues": {
"Gender": "Male",
"AdviserID": "Jonathan Thomas",
"ClientTier": "London Branch",
"AddressFrom": "04/05/1990",
"DateOfBirth": "04/05/1990",
"IncomeTaxArea": "UK excluding Scotland",
"MaritalStatus": "Yes",
"NextReviewDate": "04/05/1990",
"OccupationCode": "Abattoir Inspector",
"RetirementDate": "04/05/1990",
"EmploymentStatus": "Employed",
"MarriageAllowance": "Yes",
"RetirementPlanned": "Age",
"AddressCountryCode": "United Kingdom",
"AttitudeToRiskLevel": "High",
"FinancialDependenceAge": "Not Applicable"
Response examples (403)
"success": false,
"message": "You do not have permission to edit the client."
Response examples (404)
"success": false,
"message": "Client not found."