Create fact find request

POST /api/v2/clients/backoffice/{BackOfficeID}/factfind

This endpoint allows you to generate a fact find request. If the company has the adviser field enforced, the client and related client should both have an adviser set.

Path parameters



  • FactFindTemplateGUID string(uuid) Required

    The GUID relating to the Fact Find Template that you wish to allocate to the client(s)

  • An integer representing whether to include the related client in the fact find request, if omitted from the payload we will assume no.

    • 1: Yes
    • 2: No


POST /api/v2/clients/backoffice/{BackOfficeID}/factfind
curl \
 --request POST{BackOfficeID}/factfind \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"FactFindTemplateGUID":"9AF4C4F2-1F8D-4C6F-98A1-4C893EC8C8C8","IncludeRelatedClient":1}'
Request examples
  "FactFindTemplateGUID": "9AF4C4F2-1F8D-4C6F-98A1-4C893EC8C8C8",
  "IncludeRelatedClient": 1
Response examples (200)
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "ClientGUID": "61895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4112",
    "RelatedClientGUID": "23456137-221Z-9214-G13M-EEQ305KA4771",
    "BackOfficeID": "3A06F92E-3EBD-43CC-9F9C-B6A40B3DC0D4",
    "RelatedClientBackOfficeID": "A9C1667B-A125-44EA-BA72-345FBAC56934",
    "FactFindRequestGUID": "76895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4467",
    "FactFindTemplateGUID": "D1123DB7-6C5B-4DEA-9294-BD3CC73F1A0B",
    "WhenRequested": "2023-05-05T10:59:14+00:00",
    "WhoRequestedID": 122,
    "PagesCompleted": 0,
    "Status": "Not Yet Started",
    "WhenLastSeen": "2023-05-05T11:17:03+00:00",
    "ClientSubmitted": 1,
    "PrimaryClientGUID": "C51DA9AA-AB26-4CBA-B4D5-2C558A248FBB",
    "FormattedValues": {
      "WhoRequestedID": "James Burton",
      "ClientSubmitted": "Yes",
      "FactFindTemplateGUID": "FinCalc Default"
Response examples (422)
  "success": false,
  "message": "Validation Error",
  "data": {
    "FactFindTemplateGUID": [
      "The fact find template guid is required."
Response examples (403)
  "success": false,
  "message": "You do not have permission to view that client."
Response examples (404)
  "success": false,
  "message": "Fact find template not found."
Response examples (500)
  "success": false,
  "message": "Failed to setup client portal."