Get event
This endpoint allows users to retrieve a clients event from their household.
Path parameters
The HouseholdGUID of the client.
The EventGUID you want to retrieve.
curl \
-X GET{HouseholdGUID}/events/{EventGUID} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
"success": true,
"data": {
"EventGUID": "E3AEEF8D-3A6F-44B5-BA6D-8E8C7646C9D6",
"ClientGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"EventLabel": "Tony's State Pension Age",
"EventType": 3,
"EventBasis": 1,
"LinkedEventGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"OffsetBasis": 1,
"OffsetYears": 20,
"OffsetMonths": 5,
"AgeYears": 55,
"AgeMonths": 3,
"EventDate": "2065-05-04",
"GoalSet": 1,
"GoalPriority": 3,
"GoalYears1": 20,
"GoalAmount1": 15000,
"GoalYears2": 5,
"GoalAmount2": 10000,
"GoalYears3": 4,
"GoalAmount3": 8000,
"GoalYears4": 3,
"GoalAmount4": 4000,
"GoalYears5": 5,
"GoalAmount5": 2500,
"EventIcon": "fa-solid fa-rings-wedding",
"EventColour": "#C3A1F6",
"FormattedValues": {
"GoalSet": "Yes",
"EventDate": "04/05/2065",
"EventIcon": "rings-wedding",
"ClientGUID": "Mark Phillips",
"EventBasis": "Date",
"GoalAmount1": "£15,000",
"GoalAmount2": "£10,000",
"GoalAmount3": "£8,000",
"GoalAmount4": "£4,000",
"GoalAmount5": "£2,500",
"OffsetBasis": "After",
"GoalPriority": "Medium",
"LinkedEventGUID": "Tina's State Pension Age"
Response examples (403)
"success": false,
"message": "You do not have permission to view the household."
Response examples (404)
"success": false,
"message": "Household not found."