Get improvements
This endpoint retrieves a list of all improvements belonging to the household. The response data will be an array of objects with each object being the data for one asset improvement.
Path parameters
The HouseholdGUID of the client.
The AssetGUID for the improvements you want to retrieve.
curl \
--request GET{HouseholdGUID}/assets/{AssetGUID}/improvements \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
"success": true,
"data": [
"TransactionGUID": "E8F8B580-0D24-45B7-9DA1-8F11F64B6909",
"TransactionType": 10,
"AssetGUID": "4D09A1F6-035E-437F-9B45-842C789D9D9D",
"Description": "Our House",
"TransactionAmount": 5000.1,
"AssetIncrease": 10000.1,
"StartBasis": 3,
"StartEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"StartAge": 42,
"StartDate": "2024-01-01",
"FormattedValues": {
"AssetGUID": "Our House",
"StartDate": "01/01/2024",
"StartBasis": "Specific Date",
"AssetIncrease": "£10,000",
"TransactionType": "Asset Improvement",
"TransactionAmount": "£5,000"
Response examples (403)
"success": false,
"message": "You do not have permission to view the household."
Response examples (404)
"success": false,
"message": "Household not found."