Get client options
This endpoint provides a comprehensive list of valid options for each field. The response example displayed is only a summarised version of the actual list. By using this endpoint, a complete list of available options for each field can be retrieved.
curl \
--request GET \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
"success": true,
"data": {
"Gender": {
"1": "Male",
"2": "Female",
"3": "Other"
"AddressCountryCode": {
"4": "Afghanistan",
"8": "Albania",
"10": "Antarctica"
"MaritalStatus": {
"1": "Single",
"2": "Married",
"3": "Divorced"
"IncomeTaxArea": {
"1": "UK excluding Scotland",
"2": "Scotland",
"3": "Other",
"4": "All at 20%",
"5": "No Tax Applied"
"AdviserID": {
"100": "Tom Smith",
"200": "Jack Jones",
"300": "John Adams"
"AttitudeToRiskLevel": {
"17": "Cautious",
"18": "Medium",
"19": "Adventurous"
"ClientTier": {
"17": "Ongoing Advice Clients",
"18": "Adhoc Advice Clients"
"EmploymentStatus": {
"1": "Employed",
"2": "Self-Employed",
"3": "Not Employed"
"OccupationCode": {
"AAB00001": "Abattoir Inspector",
"AAC02588": "Abattoir Worker",
"AAD03000": "Abrasive Wheels Worker"
"RetirementPlanned": {
"1": "Age",
"2": "Date"
"MarriageAllowance": {
"1": "Yes",
"2": "No"
"FinancialDependenceAge": {
"1": "Not Applicable",
"2": "18",
"3": "21"
"MPAATriggered": {
"1": "Yes",
"2": "No"
"LTAAppliedFor": {
"1": "Yes",
"2": "No"
"LTAProtectionType": {
"1": "Enhanced Protection",
"2": "Primary Protection",
"3": "Fixed Protection 2012"
"LTAProtectedLumpSum": {
"1": "Yes",
"2": "No"
"LTAPrevBCEs": {
"1": "Yes",
"2": "No"
"AddressCounty": {
"Aberdeenshire": "Aberdeenshire",
"Anglesey": "Anglesey",
"Alderney": "Alderney"