Update withdrawal
This endpoint allows users to update a withdrawal for a household pension.
Path parameters
The HouseholdGUID of the client.
The PensionGUID for the withdrawal you want to update. Should only be linked to PensionGUID which has PensionType = 3.
The PensionWithdrawalGUID you want to update.
Body Required
TransactionType must be 5.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
TFCBasis integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 1, 2, 3, 5 or 7.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
FundBasis integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 2 or 5.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
FundAmount number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of FundBasis = 2 or the value of WithdrawalStyle = 7. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
FundPercentage number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of FundBasis = 3. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
IncomeRate number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 5. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
IncomePreference integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 5.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
TFCAmount number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of TFCBasis = 3. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
TFCPercentage number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of TFCBasis = 4. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
AnnuityRate number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 2. The value can be a negative number.
TransactionAmount number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 7 or WithdrawalStyle = 3, 4 or 6 and the value of TransactionPercentage = 0. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
TransactionPercentage number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 3, 4 or 6 and the value of TransactionAmount = 0. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle is not = 5. When the value of WithdrawalStyle = 1, Frequency must be 120.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/withdrawals/options
WithdrawalPreference integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 3.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
GuaranteePeriod integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 2.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
SpousePension number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 2. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
MaturityAmount number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 7. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
AnnuityEscalationBasis integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 2 or 7.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/contributions/options
AnnuityEscalationPercentage number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 2 or 7 and the value of AnnuityEscalationBasis = 3. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/withdrawals/options
StartEventGUID string(uuid) | null
This field is required if the value of StartBasis = 4.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/withdrawals/options
StartAge integer | null
This field is required if the value of StartBasis = 2 or 7. The value of StartAge must be in the future.
Minimum value is
, maximum value is130
. -
StartDate string | null
This field is required if the value of StartBasis = 3. The value of StartDate must be in the future.
Dates should be provided in the format "Y-m-d", where "Y" represents the year, "m" represents the month and "d" represents the day. For example, "2023-07-24" represents 24th July, 2023.
EndBasis integer | null
This field is required if the value of Frequency is not = 120 and the value of WithdrawalStyle is not = 1, 2, 5 or 7.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/withdrawals/options
EndEventGUID string(uuid) | null
This field is required if the value of EndBasis = 4 and the value of Frequency is not = 120 and the value of WithdrawalStyle is not = 1, 2, 5 or 7. Event end must be after starting.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/withdrawals/options
EndAge integer | null
This field is required if the value of EndBasis = 2 or 7 and the value of Frequency is not = 120 and the value of WithdrawalStyle is not = 1, 2, 5 or 7. EndAge must be after starting.
Minimum value is
, maximum value is130
. -
EndDate string | null
This field is required if the value of EndBasis = 3 and the value of Frequency is not = 120 and the value of WithdrawalStyle is not = 1, 2, 5 or 7. EndDate must be after starting.
Dates should be provided in the format "Y-m-d", where "Y" represents the year, "m" represents the month and "d" represents the day. For example, "2023-07-24" represents 24th July, 2023.
Term integer | null
This field is required if the value of WithdrawalStyle = 7.
BackOfficeID string | null
Maximum length is
. -
BackOfficeSync integer | null
An integer representing the status of the back office sync:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Only update from back office
curl \
--request PUT https://api.fincalc.co.uk/api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/pensions/{PensionGUID}/withdrawals/{PensionWithdrawalGUID} \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"TransactionType":5,"WithdrawalStyle":2,"TFCBasis":2,"FundBasis":1,"FundAmount":100,"FundPercentage":12,"IncomeRate":12,"IncomePreference":1,"TFCAmount":100,"TFCPercentage":12,"AnnuityRate":-2,"TransactionAmount":100,"TransactionPercentage":12,"Frequency":26,"WithdrawalPreference":1,"GuaranteePeriod":12,"SpousePension":1.1,"MaturityAmount":100,"AnnuityEscalationBasis":3,"AnnuityEscalationPercentage":1.1,"StartBasis":3,"StartEventGUID":"F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7","StartAge":42,"StartDate":"2024-01-01","EndBasis":3,"EndEventGUID":"F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7","EndAge":65,"EndDate":"2025-01-01","Term":12,"BackOfficeID":13573,"BackOfficeSync":1}'
"TransactionType": 5,
"WithdrawalStyle": 2,
"TFCBasis": 2,
"FundBasis": 1,
"FundAmount": 100,
"FundPercentage": 12,
"IncomeRate": 12,
"IncomePreference": 1,
"TFCAmount": 100,
"TFCPercentage": 12,
"AnnuityRate": -2,
"TransactionAmount": 100,
"TransactionPercentage": 12,
"Frequency": 26,
"WithdrawalPreference": 1,
"GuaranteePeriod": 12,
"SpousePension": 1.1,
"MaturityAmount": 100,
"AnnuityEscalationBasis": 3,
"AnnuityEscalationPercentage": 1.1,
"StartBasis": 3,
"StartEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"StartAge": 42,
"StartDate": "2024-01-01",
"EndBasis": 3,
"EndEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"EndAge": 65,
"EndDate": "2025-01-01",
"Term": 12,
"BackOfficeID": 13573,
"BackOfficeSync": 1
"success": true,
"data": {
"TransactionGUID": "61895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4112",
"TransactionType": 5,
"PensionGUID": "76895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4467",
"WithdrawalStyle": 2,
"TFCBasis": 2,
"FundBasis": 1,
"FundAmount": 100,
"FundPercentage": 12,
"IncomeRate": 12,
"IncomePreference": 1,
"TFCAmount": 100,
"TFCPercentage": 12,
"AnnuityRate": -2,
"TransactionAmount": 100,
"TransactionPercentage": 12,
"Frequency": 26,
"WithdrawalPreference": 1,
"GuaranteePeriod": 12,
"SpousePension": 1.1,
"MaturityAmount": 1000,
"AnnuityEscalationBasis": 3,
"AnnuityEscalationPercentage": 1.1,
"StartBasis": 3,
"StartEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"StartAge": 42,
"StartDate": "2024-01-01",
"EndBasis": 3,
"EndEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"EndAge": 65,
"EndDate": "2025-01-01",
"Term": 10,
"BackOfficeID": "F7FBB6B1-2D90-485C-AE89-9F9FA0426F1E",
"BackOfficeSync": 1,
"FormattedValues": {
"TFCBasis": "Max",
"Frequency": "Paid Fortnightly",
"FundBasis": "Total Fund",
"StartDate": "01/01/2024",
"TFCAmount": "£100",
"FundAmount": "£100",
"IncomeRate": "12%",
"StartBasis": "Specific Date",
"AnnuityRate": "-2%",
"PensionGUID": "My Pension",
"SpousePension": "1%",
"TFCPercentage": "12%",
"FundPercentage": "12%",
"MaturityAmount": "£1000",
"TransactionType": "Pension Income",
"WithdrawalStyle": "Lifetime Annuity",
"TransactionAmount": "£100",
"WithdrawalPreference": "Tax free",
"AnnuityEscalationBasis": "Fixed",
"AnnuityEscalationPercentage": "1%"
"success": false,
"message": "You do not have permission to edit the household."
"success": false,
"message": "Household not found."
"success": false,
"message": "Validation Error.",
"data": {
"ClientGUID": [
"The client guid field is required."
"success": false,
"message": "Failed to update the pension withdrawal."