Create income
This endpoint allows users to create a new income for a household.
Path parameters
The HouseholdGUID of the client.
Body Required
Not set directly. Can be set as belonging to: the main client (ClientGUID from Household) ; the related client (RelatedClientGUID from Household); jointly owned by the main client and the related client. If IncomeType = 1 there should only be one owner.
To set owned by the main client set ClientGUID as ClientGUID. To set owned by the related client set ClientGUID as RelatedClientGUID. To set as jointly owned set ClientGUID as ClientGUID, set JointOwnerClientGUID as RelatedClientGUID.
ClientGUID must be in the household. See Owner for details on what to set.
The following characters are not permitted: \:*"<>|
Maximum length is
. -
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
IncomeType can not be changed if income has a contribution.
TaxBasis integer | null
This field is required if the value of IncomeType = 3 or the value of IncomeType = 6.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
JointOwnerClientGUID string(uuid) | null
JointOwnerClientGUID must be in the household. Should not be set when IncomeType = 1. See Owner for details on what to set.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
BenefitInKindAmount number(float) | null
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
StartEventGUID string(uuid) | null
This field is required if the value of StartBasis = 4.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
StartAge integer | null
This field is required if the value of StartBasis = 2 or 7.
Minimum value is
, maximum value is130
. -
StartDate string | null
This field is required if the value of StartBasis = 3.
Dates should be provided in the format "Y-m-d", where "Y" represents the year, "m" represents the month and "d" represents the day. For example, "2023-07-24" represents 24th July, 2023.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
EndEventGUID string(uuid) | null
This field is required if the value of EndBasis = 4. Event end must be after starting.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
EndAge integer | null
This field is required if the value of EndBasis = 2 or 7. EndAge end must be after starting.
Minimum value is
, maximum value is130
. -
EndDate string | null
This field is required if the value of EndBasis = 3. EndDate end must be after starting.
Dates should be provided in the format "Y-m-d", where "Y" represents the year, "m" represents the month and "d" represents the day. For example, "2023-07-24" represents 24th July, 2023.
LinkedAssetGUID string(uuid) | null
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
BackOfficeID string | null
Maximum length is
. -
BackOfficeSync integer | null
An integer representing the status of the back office sync:
- 1: Yes
- 2: No
- 3: Only update from back office
SumAssured number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of IncomeType = 1 and the value of DeathInService = 1 and the value of DeathMultiple is empty.
Minimum value is
. -
DeathInService integer | null
The value can not be negative.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
DeathMultiple number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of IncomeType = 1 and the value of DeathInService = 1 and the value of SumAssured is empty or 0.
Minimum value is
, maximum value is50
. -
DeathPolicyType integer | null
This field is required if the value of IncomeType = 1 and the value of DeathInService = 1.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
FutureLevelChange integer | null
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
FutureGrossAmount number(float) | null
This field is required if the value of FutureLevelChange = 1.
FutureDateOfChangeBasis integer
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
FutureDateOfChangeEventGUID string(uuid) | null
This field is required if the value of FutureLevelChange = 1 and FutureDateOfChangeBasis = 4.
To retrieve a comprehensive list of acceptable values and their corresponding formatted values, you may make a request to the designated endpoint: /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/incomes/options
FutureDateOfChangeAge integer | null
This field is required if the value of FutureLevelChange = 1 and FutureDateOfChangeBasis = 2 or 7. FutureDateOfChangeAge must be in the future
Minimum value is
, maximum value is130
. -
FutureDateOfChangeDate string | null
This field is required if the value of FutureLevelChange = 1 and FutureDateOfChangeBasis = 3. FutureDateOfChangeDate must be in the future
Dates should be provided in the format "Y-m-d", where "Y" represents the year, "m" represents the month and "d" represents the day. For example, "2023-07-24" represents 24th July, 2023.
curl \
--request POST{HouseholdGUID}/incomes \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"ClientGUID":"3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405","IncomeDescription":"My wages","IncomeType":1,"TaxBasis":1,"IncomeAmount":450000.1,"JointOwnerClientGUID":"3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405","Frequency":12,"BenefitInKindAmount":2500.1,"StartBasis":4,"StartEventGUID":"F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7","StartAge":42,"StartDate":"2023-05-04","EndBasis":3,"EndEventGUID":"1A58F6C8-90BD-4D2D-9B22-3E1F9C8E15E7","EndAge":65,"EndDate":"2069-02-01","LinkedAssetGUID":"3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405","BackOfficeID":13573,"BackOfficeSync":1,"SumAssured":100000.1,"DeathInService":1,"DeathMultiple":4.5,"DeathPolicyType":1,"FutureLevelChange":1,"FutureGrossAmount":100000,"FutureDateOfChangeBasis":3,"FutureDateOfChangeEventGUID":"1A58F6C8-90BD-4D2D-9B22-3E1F9C8E15E7","FutureDateOfChangeAge":65,"FutureDateOfChangeDate":"2069-02-01"}'
"ClientGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"IncomeDescription": "My wages",
"IncomeType": 1,
"TaxBasis": 1,
"IncomeAmount": 450000.1,
"JointOwnerClientGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"Frequency": 12,
"BenefitInKindAmount": 2500.1,
"StartBasis": 4,
"StartEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"StartAge": 42,
"StartDate": "2023-05-04",
"EndBasis": 3,
"EndEventGUID": "1A58F6C8-90BD-4D2D-9B22-3E1F9C8E15E7",
"EndAge": 65,
"EndDate": "2069-02-01",
"LinkedAssetGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"BackOfficeID": 13573,
"BackOfficeSync": 1,
"SumAssured": 100000.1,
"DeathInService": 1,
"DeathMultiple": 4.5,
"DeathPolicyType": 1,
"FutureLevelChange": 1,
"FutureGrossAmount": 100000,
"FutureDateOfChangeBasis": 3,
"FutureDateOfChangeEventGUID": "1A58F6C8-90BD-4D2D-9B22-3E1F9C8E15E7",
"FutureDateOfChangeAge": 65,
"FutureDateOfChangeDate": "2069-02-01"
"success": true,
"data": {
"IncomeGUID": "E4A4A332-C53C-4C33-8D5B-1B846C3D6D6D",
"ClientGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"IncomeDescription": "My wages",
"IncomeType": 1,
"TaxBasis": 1,
"IncomeAmount": 45500.1,
"JointOwnerClientGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"Frequency": 12,
"BenefitInKindAmount": 2500.1,
"StartBasis": 4,
"StartEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"StartAge": 42,
"StartDate": "2023-05-04",
"EndBasis": 4,
"EndEventGUID": "1A58F6C8-90BD-4D2D-9B22-3E1F9C8E15E7",
"EndAge": 65,
"EndDate": "2069-02-01",
"LinkedAssetGUID": "3F0B1C88-6D80-4C17-BB3E-1D68E6D26405",
"BackOfficeID": "F7FBB6B1-2D90-485C-AE89-9F9FA0426F1E",
"BackOfficeSync": 1,
"SumAssured": 100000.1,
"DeathInService": 1,
"DeathMultiple": 4.5,
"DeathPolicyType": 1,
"FutureLevelChange": 1,
"FutureGrossAmount": 10000,
"FutureDateOfChangeBasis": 4,
"FutureDateOfChangeEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
"FutureDateOfChangeAge": 55,
"FutureDateOfChangeDate": "2069-05-04",
"FormattedValues": {
"EndBasis": "Event",
"TaxBasis": "Taxable",
"Frequency": "Paid Annually",
"IncomeType": "Salary",
"StartBasis": "Event",
"SumAssured": "£100,000",
"EndEventGUID": "API's State Pension Age",
"IncomeAmount": "£45,500",
"DeathMultiple": "x4.5",
"DeathInService": "Yes",
"StartEventGUID": "API's State Pension Age",
"DeathPolicyType": "Registered group life",
"LinkedAssetGUID": "Our House",
"FutureGrossAmount": "£10,000",
"FutureLevelChange": "Yes",
"BenefitInKindAmount": "£2,500",
"FutureDateOfChangeDate": "04/05/2069",
"FutureDateOfChangeBasis": "Event",
"FutureDateOfChangeEventGUID": "API's State Pension Age"
"success": false,
"message": "You do not have permission to edit the household."
"success": false,
"message": "Household not found."
"success": false,
"message": "Validation Error.",
"data": {
"ClientGUID": [
"The client guid field is required."
"success": false,
"message": "Failed to create income in household"