Create fact find request
This endpoint allows you to generate a fact find request. If the company has the adviser field enforced, the client and related client should both have an adviser set.
Path parameters
The BackOfficeID of the client.
The GUID relating to the Fact Find Template that you wish to allocate to the client(s)
curl \
--request POST{BackOfficeID}/factfind \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"FactFindTemplateGUID":"9AF4C4F2-1F8D-4C6F-98A1-4C893EC8C8C8","IncludeRelatedClient":1}'
Request examples
"FactFindTemplateGUID": "9AF4C4F2-1F8D-4C6F-98A1-4C893EC8C8C8",
"IncludeRelatedClient": 1
Response examples (200)
"success": true,
"data": {
"ClientGUID": "61895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4112",
"RelatedClientGUID": "23456137-221Z-9214-G13M-EEQ305KA4771",
"BackOfficeID": "3A06F92E-3EBD-43CC-9F9C-B6A40B3DC0D4",
"RelatedClientBackOfficeID": "A9C1667B-A125-44EA-BA72-345FBAC56934",
"FactFindRequestGUID": "76895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4467",
"FactFindTemplateGUID": "D1123DB7-6C5B-4DEA-9294-BD3CC73F1A0B",
"WhenRequested": "2023-05-05T10:59:14+00:00",
"WhoRequestedID": 122,
"PagesCompleted": 0,
"Status": "Not Yet Started",
"WhenLastSeen": "2023-05-05T11:17:03+00:00",
"ClientSubmitted": 1,
"PrimaryClientGUID": "C51DA9AA-AB26-4CBA-B4D5-2C558A248FBB",
"FormattedValues": {
"WhoRequestedID": "James Burton",
"ClientSubmitted": "Yes",
"FactFindTemplateGUID": "FinCalc Default"
Response examples (422)
"success": false,
"message": "Validation Error",
"data": {
"FactFindTemplateGUID": [
"The fact find template guid is required."
Response examples (403)
"success": false,
"message": "You do not have permission to view that client."
Response examples (404)
"success": false,
"message": "Fact find template not found."
Response examples (500)
"success": false,
"message": "Failed to setup client portal."