Get withdrawals

GET /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/{SavingsGUID}/withdrawals

This endpoint retrieves a list of all savings withdrawals belonging to the household. The response data will be an array of objects with each object being the data for one savings withdrawal

Path parameters

  • HouseholdGUID string(uuid) Required

    The HouseholdGUID of the client.

  • SavingsGUID string(uuid) Required

    The SavingsGUID for the withdrawals you want to retrieve.


GET /api/v2/household/{HouseholdGUID}/savings/{SavingsGUID}/withdrawals
curl \
 --request GET{HouseholdGUID}/savings/{SavingsGUID}/withdrawals \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
Response examples (200)
  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "TransactionGUID": "61895427-011A-9214-B13E-FCE305CB4112",
      "TransactionType": 7,
      "SavingsGUID": "9DC78406-6FE4-3DE3-F3CF-0B8948F567E4",
      "TransactionAmount": 100,
      "TransactionPercentage": 12,
      "Frequency": 52,
      "StartBasis": 3,
      "StartEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
      "StartAge": 42,
      "StartDate": "2024-01-01",
      "EndBasis": 3,
      "EndEventGUID": "F3AAED8D-3A5F-44B5-BC6D-9E8C7646C9D7",
      "EndAge": 65,
      "EndDate": "2025-01-01",
      "BackOfficeID": 13573,
      "BackOfficeSync": 1,
      "ReduceFund": 1,
      "FormattedValues": {
        "EndDate": "01/01/2025",
        "EndBasis": "Specific Age",
        "Frequency": "Paid Weekly",
        "ReduceFund": "Yes",
        "StartBasis": "Current",
        "SavingsGUID": "API Test",
        "TransactionType": "Savings Income",
        "TransactionAmount": "£100",
        "TransactionPercentage": "12%"
Response examples (403)
  "success": false,
  "message": "You do not have permission to view the household."
Response examples (404)
  "success": false,
  "message": "Household not found."